What to Expect from the Next.js Conf 2024: A Developer’s Guide

The Next.js Conf 2024 is just around the corner, and as a web developer focusing on B2B enterprise solutions, this event promises to deliver a wealth of knowledge and innovation that you won't want to miss. Whether you're attending virtually or in person, here’s what you can look forward to and why this conference should be on your radar.

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Why Should You Attend Next.js Conf 2024?

Next.js Conf, hosted by Vercel, is a premier event for developers working with the Next.js framework. This year’s conference will bring together a global community of developers and industry leaders to explore the latest advancements in web development. From deep dives into Next.js features to real-world case studies, this conference is designed to help you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of web technology.

Anticipated Sessions and Industry Leaders

While the official speaker lineup hasn’t been fully announced, we can expect to hear from influential figures in the web development community, including experts from major tech companies and innovative startups. Given the prominence of past conferences, it’s likely that thought leaders from companies like Vercel, along with pioneering developers who have contributed significantly to the Next.js ecosystem, will share their insights.

You can expect sessions that delve into the latest features of Next.js, including advancements in server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), and the integration of AI and machine learning in modern web development. These talks will be crucial for anyone looking to leverage Next.js for building scalable, high-performance web applications.

Predictions for Next.js Conf 2024

Next.js 15 Release Candidate:

At the conference, I predict that there will be detailed discussions on the capabilities introduced in the Next.js 15 RC. Developers might explore how these features can streamline complex workflows in B2B applications, particularly in managing large datasets and improving API handling and caching. Expect examples of how to use the new layouts to create more dynamic, modular user interfaces that enhance user experience and maintainability.

TurboPack’s Move to Next.js:

TurboPack’s integration into Next.js is a significant shift, and I anticipate a focus on how this move will improve build times and overall developer productivity saving companies $$$ in build time and labor costs.

Predictions include more demos showcasing TurboPack’s performance gains, particularly in large-scale projects with extensive codebases. This could be especially beneficial for enterprise-level applications where build efficiency is crucial. The potential for even faster iterations and deployments will likely be a key point of discussion.

Remember 100% of tests for TurboPack have now passed.

JavaScript, SEO, and Google Crawling:

At Next.js Conf 2024, the topic of how Google crawls and indexes JavaScript-heavy sites will likely be a focal point, given the critical role SEO plays in web development. Based on the insights from Vercel’s recent blog post and study, we can expect in-depth discussions on optimizing JavaScript for better SEO performance, especially with regards to how Next.js applications make it easy.

AI and the Vercel AI SDK:

The Vercel AI SDK 3.3 is expected to be a hot topic, with predictions of sessions showcasing its use in creating intelligent, data-driven web applications. Discussions may cover how AI can be integrated into Next.js projects to provide personalized user experiences, automate content generation, and improve decision-making processes. Examples could include real-world applications where AI has driven significant engagement and conversion improvements in B2B environments.

And Much More:

These predictions highlight the potential discussions and announcements that could shape the future of Next.js and its role in web development, especially for those of us working on large-scale, enterprise-level projects.

Join the Conversation

I’ll be virtually attending Next.js Conf 2024 and will be sharing key takeaways and insights on my blog afterward. Stay tuned for a detailed recap of the most impactful sessions and how they can be applied to B2B web development.

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